drawing workshop
Since December I've been taking some drawing courses twice a week. It's only nude models and it's taking place in a cool mood with lots of different people coming for different reasons... A teacher from l'ESAD is with us. He suggests some exercices and helps those who need it.
here are some of my drawings:

here are some of my drawings:

At 09 February, 2008 ,
Fáilte romhat / Welcome. My name is Aodhán Ó Braoin. said...
Hey Nico, cool to see you're getting the work up there.
I don't want this to seem like a lecture. These are just a few points that I hope will aid you in your work.
When using drawing notes, try to pick one aspect and focus on that, then pick a second, third and so on. Then try to incorporate the 1st and 2nd points together and then the 3rd and so on. That way you are building you skills gradually.
Don't worry about shading the drawings. It detracts from good line drawing.
The aspects that I feel that you need to tackle are composition, proportions, perspective.
Depending on the length of time that you have, try starting with a small drawing in the top corner in a box that represents the size of the page. Then for a tenth of the time that you have (30 seconds = 3, 60 = 6) quickly draw roughly the drawing, so that you have a solid composition, well placed and fills the entire page.
Next draw a simple line gesture for the entire body that would represent the spine. This helps to give the drawing solid direction and provides you with the base to draw the basic shapes upon. Use you pencil to measure the body by extending your arm then plot the body (could use joints as plot points). Then flesh out this line with simple shapes.
For effective perspective the above two points will lay the base for it. Don't be afraid of Overlap parts of the body as this will aid in the sense of depth.
I know that this may seem excessive but hopefully it will be helpful.
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