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Fini Teesside mais ca ne s'arrete pas pour autant !

24 June 2009

Back in the days

enough with the 3D ! Here a fun exercice, I had to put my face on an old painting.

I kinda like thoses pants !

final year project

At the end of the year, I had to work on a big project during around 4 weeks. And this time I had only this to worry about !! It's nice to focus on a single project.

I had to create 2 images. And these two images had to be related, I had to tell a story through these images with no characters.

The theme of the project was the theater (again), I made a preprod report with all my research and the message I wanted to put into this project.

I choose to work on the Crazy Horse, a famous cabaret in Paris.
I illustrate my story through the scene and the backstage.

Here they are:

Uch Uch

The first 3D model character !

I had to choose a BD character and then draw his model sheet in order to model it.
I decided to work on a french bd which is also a serie of short 2D animations called "Les Lascars". Check this out if you don't already know this.

time: 1 week

Let's go to the theater

Animation on the theme of the theater.
The show it about to start, illustrate.

It's christmas eve !

In order to make sure we don't get bored during christmas, we had a small animation to do about christmas of course.

I had to illustrate christmas eve and more precisly the wait of Christmas (not sure if it makes sens)

I prefer when it moves !

Even if it's the first year, the 3D teacher wanted us to try some animation (basic) , no character, just camera, lights, simple objects ...

It's like a tradition at the ESMA, you have to make a animation with the logo of the school.
Well, I decided to use a famous icone for that. You'll recognized it.

envoyé par woinj.

As I made this animation a few days before St Patrick's day, I decided to add a small bonus to it.
here the second version, I prefer this one personnaly.

envoyé par woinj.

Quoi ma gueule !?

Here we are, we've started to work on human body !
It's the first hand and face I model so it need some more work.

First, my hand :
time : 1 week

And then, my face. That was pretty cool to do but even if I see myself everyday, it's still hard to reproduce his face in 3D.

time: 1 week

La cabane du pêcheur ( avec accent)

Another subject but still in 3D, I had to sketch a few shot of a hut. This hut had to be in an environnement with a story in it ...

As you can see I decided to talk about the deforestation in Amazonie and the pollution of the river.

Here is my image, I would hae scan the sketch I made but I need to find a scanner here first...
time: 3 weeks

(don't know why it's so bright when i put it here ...)

I'm back !

It has been a while, i was very busy this year and i didn't take the time to post some of my projects. Here are some of my 3D projects from this year. It was some exercices with one or two weeks of work.

First, a phone, it was a free modeling exercice :

Antother exercice was to model a playmobil, it sounds cool but you know a playmobil is not so simple in reality !

A texturing exercice, the teacher gave us a child shoe and then we had to map it and create the texture.