What else now ?

Fini Teesside mais ca ne s'arrete pas pour autant !

07 February 2008

drawing workshop

Since December I've been taking some drawing courses twice a week. It's only nude models and it's taking place in a cool mood with lots of different people coming for different reasons... A teacher from l'ESAD is with us. He suggests some exercices and helps those who need it.

here are some of my drawings:

03 February 2008

when the plush becomes a 3d character

When I was still at Teesside, I worked on a 3d character which I created firstly to make it as a cuddly. I'm crazy about cuddlies and especially the Uglydoll (http://www.uglydolls.com/) I find them pretty cool and I'd love to make some animations with them. I'm sure they could act on some animations with a simple but humoristic story. They have "la tête de l'emploi" as we say in France.

I wanted to finish it before leaving but I didn't have enough time.
So here he is :

02 February 2008

Character Design

I'm also working on some character faces, I try different shapes and designs. I'm focusing on faces at the moment coz I still have difficulties to draw the entire body with the clothes and stuff ... (maybe not the best to do in this case)

So here they are :

Some more designs will come later.

My little Munny !

I don't know if you know what it is,(if you don't just have a look on that website http://www.kidrobot.com/html/munny3/gallery.html).

I recieved one last year, the christmas model, with his santa's hat of course. And "he" is pretty cool to draw actually as he isn't too complex.

Here is the original one (the one with the hat) :

and here is the one I drew :

It has been a while !

I'm preparing my drawing portfolio as I will have to present it to the schools I want to enter next year. The most important aspect to show is that you know how to draw so I have given up my computer a bit to concentrate on drawing.

I 've bought my scanner :D so now I'll be able to post my sketches. I'll make some colorisations later on.

Here are some of my last drawings, there aren't really finish but I'll finalise them on photoshop I guess, like adding the shadows properly.

As you can see, I'm more or less working in a project which takes place in this kind of environnement, with bugs, mushrooms, hedgehogs ... It could be fun to work on that.