What else now ?

Fini Teesside mais ca ne s'arrete pas pour autant !

15 March 2007

What up ?

It has been a few days since I last posted an article so let's get back in the game.

There are a few reasons for my absence, I went to Oslo for a couple of days and we also had some visitors at home.Was good to travel a bit and see some friendly faces.

I'll post an article about Oslo as soon as I can (very busy indeed) with pictures of course.

Where am I now ?
There aren't visuels of what I've done so far for the moment as I've been working on my main scene, the angel's planet. It's a big part of the modelling process and it has to be done quite well. As I was progressing in the modelling, I realised that strong angles didn't look as good as I thought ... On paper it seemed alright, but in 3D it looks better when we smooth (less bumps) the forms. Plus, my supervisor told me that using this kind of modelling could be misread by the people who will judge my work. Indeed, using less polygons and strong angles could imply that I can't model with more polygons and make nice curves ...
That's why you'll see some nice curves instead of the original design.

I've almost finished this part, the planet is done I just want to add a few elements to the scene to make it look better. After what, I'll do some renders and post them here. I still have to work on the texture a bit, I've already thought about how it's gonna look. After this, the animation part will begin!


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